Friday, 20 August 2010

28 Days In The USA

New zine available in my shop! full of drawings and other bits and bobs from when Hotpants Romance toured the Southern States of America. This is a full colour edition but a b/w edition is included in this "The Biggest Fan" zine box set made to celebrate the opening of Salford Zine Library at Islington Mill in Salford. Both the box set and the zine are available to buy at the wonderful Good Grief! shop which is full of handmade artists books and situated on the top floor of Afflecks Palace in Manchester.

Thanks to MCLD blog for this brilliant review...
"28 Days In The USA is the best travel zine ever - it's got some random photocopies of American sweet wrappers, some sketches of the author's legs, sketches of the weird stuff you see in the USA (like a freeway sign "Drive Thru / 10 pc dark / $8.99"). This disparate set of things might not sound like much when I describe it that way, but together it tells a story so convincingly - it reminded me totally of being in America and being confronted by the alienness and familiarity of it, the weird isolation that you get imposed if you don't have a car, etc."

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